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Dahlias are lush and beautiful flowering summer plants. But there are a few things to consider when dealing with the dahlia for successful flowering.

The cultivation of magnificently blooming dahlias is also possible with us

Dahlias - usually bought as bulbs and found in many gardens - have long been one of the most popular ornamental plants. Originally native to Mexico, the exotic Dahlia (Dahlia) found its way to Europe via seafarers in the 18th century and has been a hit in gardens and parks ever since. The perennial, which belongs to the daisy family (Asteraceae), can also be easily grown in your garden with a few tips and tricks. We'll put together all the important information for you.

Dahlias: importance and flowering time

The genus of dahlias includes about 35 species, some of which differ greatly in appearance. Curiously, the name dahlia does not come from the discoverer of the plant in the New World, but was dedicated to the Swedish botanist Andreas Dahl when it was first cultivated in Europe. The dahlias fill our gardens every year from July with their radiant flowers and can bloom until autumn.

Dahlias fill our gardens every year from July with their radiant blooms

Buy dahlias: as tubers or cultivated plants

The most proven method of growing dahlias is via tubers planted directly into the ground. But first of all, the question arises: how and where to buy dahlia bulbs and what should you pay attention to?

Buy dahlia bulbs

Dahlia bulbs can easily be purchased from any garden center and are often sold in batches. There are a variety of different shapes and colors to choose from. In any case, make sure you only take he althy tubers with you without rotten spots.

You can usually buy a variety of dahlia bulbs in the garden center

Buy dahlias in pots: what to look out for

It is much more difficult to buy dahlias as a whole plant than buying them in bulb form. If you decide to buy a plant directly, theThe time of flowering can be brought forward by several weeks. Incidentally, the same applies to dahlias grown in pots.

Dahlias: The most beautiful and most floriferous varieties

Hardly any ornamental plant has such a wide variety as the dahlia. There are a total of 13 different flower shapes, each with different colors. Introducing the handsomest and most popular varieties:

  • Ball Dahlia: Round and relatively small flowers; very dense petals; one of the most popular dahlia varieties
    Popular varieties: Peter, Marble Ball
  • Pompom Dahlia: Round and flat flower with fully curled petals; very decorative
    Popular varieties: Barbara, Rocco
  • Cactus Dahlia: Round flower head with pointed petals; Colorful Marbling
    Popular Varieties: Cheerio, Joker
  • Waterlily Dahlia: Flat flower with outward-facing petals; Water lily look
    Popular varieties: Paso Doble, Creme de Cassis
  • Staghorn Dahlia: Fringed and protruding petals; a bit "wild" look
    Popular varieties: Galaxy, Alauna Clair-Obscur
Ball dahlias are among the most popular dahlia varieties

You can find more interesting dahlia varieties here.

Planting dahlias: instructions and procedure

In spring to early summer, dahlias can be planted in the garden either as plants or bulbs. This step requires some information so that the dahlias get off to a good start in the bed and really sprout the eye-catching flowers in all their shapes and colors.

Dahlias: The perfect location

As a subtropical plant, the dahlia is more demanding than one would expect. When planting, make sure the dahlia is in full sun where the soil is rich and well drained. Always work compost into the soil before planting. Good drainage is essential as dahlias are sensitive to waterlogging.

Dahlias prefer full sun and nutrient-rich, well-drained soil

When is the right time to plant dahlias?

An important point for success when planting dahlias is the right time to plant the tubers or perennials. Dahlias do not tolerate frost and should therefore not be planted out in this country until May at the earliest, as soon as the last late frosts are over. Too early onset may be due torisk of cold can lead to the death of your plants.

Planting dahlias: Instructions on how to proceed:

Proceed as follows when planting the dahlia bulbs:

  1. Select a suitable location. The place should be sunny and the soil well drained and rich in nutrients.
  2. First loosen the soil and work in plenty of compost so that the plant has enough nutrients available during growth. If the soil is very clayey or loamy, it's worth mixing in a little sand.
  3. Dig a hole in which to place the bulb. The planting hole should be so deep that the tuber is completely covered by soil and the upper part is a few centimeters below the soil surface.
  4. Before planting, leave the dahlia bulb in water for a night so that it can absorb enough moisture after storage.
  5. Then place the tubers in the planting hole with a planting distance of 30 to 100 cm - the size of the plant differs depending on the variety. When inserting, it is important that the thicker part of the tuber points down and the root collar points up.
Propagating, dividing and growing Dahlias

If you are reluctant to go to the store again to increase your dahlia stock, there are various alternatives for propagating the magnificent flowering plants. We present all options.

Propagating dahlias by cuttings

A quick way to propagate dahlias is to grow cuttings. This technique works by pulling the dahlia bulbs forward in late winter when temperatures are higher. The bulbs sprout slightly embedded in soil, so that cuttings with a few pairs of leaves can be broken off after a short time. The dahlia cuttings are then placed in the growing substrate and will sprout again.

A very quick method of propagating dahlias is to grow cuttings

Successfully dividing dahlias

A tried and tested method of propagating dahlias is to divide the tubers. In spring, before planting, cut the onion with a sharp and clean knife so that each part has at least two eyes. As a rule, larger tubers are divided into two smaller ones. The new shoots then develop from the eyes when planting.

Prefer Dahlias

Similar to cultivating cuttings, growing dahlias early indoors works offMarch, with the difference that the plants are left on their bulbs.

Dahlia care: The perfect dahlia care

The overall care required for dahlias is limited, but certain aspects should not be neglected even with this exotic plant. We show what needs to be considered.

Water the plant as needed every few days when the soil has dried out

Fertilize and water dahlias properly

Basically, it can be said that the amount of fertilizer required for dahlias is manageable. Before planting, it is always a good idea to work compost into the soil. Fertilizers containing nitrogen lead to increased leaf growth in dahlias, but this also reduces the plant's willingness to flower. Therefore, a flower fertilizer that is not too nitrogenous is recommended. Our Plantura organic flower fertilizer meets these requirements and also promotes he althy and active soil life. This can be incorporated regularly and superficially until August.

When watering, you should also work moderately, since dahlias do not tolerate waterlogging well. Water the plant as needed every few days when the soil has dried out. On the other hand, you should water more during hot periods in summer, since the sprawling plant evaporates a lot of water at high temperatures.

How to cut dahlias

With dahlias, pruning in appropriate spots can increase blooms and affect the shape of the plant. It therefore makes sense to occasionally cut off the shoot tips, especially when young, in order to increase branching and thus the formation of flowers. Withered flowers should also be cut off so that new shoots can form.
The following applies: If you leave a few shoots on the plant, the respective flowers will be larger.

Pruning Dahlias May Affect Growth

Caring for dahlias in pots

Dahlias in pots are very easy to care for and require comparatively little attention. Since the soil naturally dries out faster in pots than outdoors, you should always keep an eye on the moisture in the substrate and avoid complete drying out. Just like outdoors, wilted flowers should be removed regularly.

Dahlias are very suitable for cultivation in pots

Dahlias: Fighting Common Diseases and Pests

The most common diseases and pests of dahliaswe propose you the following:

  • Slugs: Particularly annoying as they can eat a lot of the greenery in a short amount of time. Snail traps and fences as well as collecting the animals early in the morning can help.
  • Aphids: Small black or white insects that feed on the plant. It helps to dab the affected areas with soapy water. Ladybugs act as a biological control.
  • Grey mould: The botrytis fungus can be recognized by its gray coating. Do not plant too densely and avoid high humidity, do not wet the plant with water and avoid nitrogen fertilization.
  • Powdery mildew: Recognizable by the whitish coating. The risk can be reduced by the same measures as for gray mold.
  • Mosaic Virus: Recognizable by yellowish spots on the leaves. The best countermeasure is to remove the plant to avoid further contamination.

You can find out more about caring for your dahlias here.

Wintering Dahlias: Are Dahlias Hardy?

Dahlias are not frost-resistant due to their warm origins in Mexico and are therefore not hardy either. Leaving the tubers in the ground is at your own risk and can only succeed in very mild regions if sufficient winter protection made of brushwood, straw and leaves is spread over them. As a rule, however, the tubers should be dug up immediately after the first frost. To do this, first cut the plant down to 10 cm above the ground and carefully dig up the bulb. The individual tubers can now be stored in a dry and cool but frost-free place until spring. Before storing, remove the soil and spread out the tubers with a little space between them.

You can find more tips for the ideal overwintering of dahlias here.

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