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So that the peony can unfold its full beauty in early summer, you have to be meticulous when planting. We'll show you how to do it right.

When planting peonies, the location is particularly important to choose

If you would like to have the queen of ornamental plants, the peony (Paeonia), in your garden, then it is important to prepare your move well. This plant is actually known for its uncomplicated care. However, a good base should be a prerequisite for everything to thrive in later years.
Regardless of whether you have chosen a perennial, shrub or hybrid peony - the right location is crucial at first. If you are still having trouble choosing the right peony, you will find all the information about the most beautiful peony varieties and species here.

When to plant peonies?

Peonies should be planted in the fall. The plants then have enough time to root before winter. Planting in autumn also increases the chance of getting the first flowers in the following year.
If you plant or transplant in spring, there is a risk that the tender shoots that then form will be injured and the peony will suffer from a development-inhibiting effect would suffer damage.

Planted in autumn, peonies can still take root

Planting peonies: the right location

Peonies need a sufficiently large and "quiet" location. Once the plants have been planted, they should not be moved again - they don't like changing locations at all. It often even takes a few years for the peonies to bloom fully again. You should therefore think a little longer when choosing a location.

If you still want to transplant your peony, we have summarized everything important here.

Above all, the space should be large, since the shrub peonies, for example, can be up to 1.3 m long and wide. Perennial plants also like to have enough space to develop - 60 x 60 cm are required here. You should also note that the peony, as the peony is also called, can reach a height of up to 1.80 mand can achieve more. It is best to choose a spot that has not previously been occupied by a peony. However, if a peony has previously lived in the chosen spot, it is advisable to change the soil generously so that there are enough nutrients for the new plant right from the start and no diseases remaining in the soil can spread to it.

The ideal soil should be loose and permeable to prevent waterlogging. Peonies are deep rooters and don't grow very fast. It therefore promotes their development if there are no plants with strong root growth in the vicinity, such as forsythia. Peonies, whether perennial or shrub, love the sun. At lunchtime, however, it can be a bit half-shady, otherwise the heat doesn't bother you. And if the spot is also protected from the wind, then it offers ideal conditions for welcoming a peony into your garden.

It is best to choose a spot where there have not been peonies before

Procedure for planting peonies

Depending on the size of the plant ball, the planting hole should have an average diameter of around 35 to 40 cm. The depth can be based on the height of the pot in which the plant was delivered. However, if a drainage layer consisting of a layer of clay granules has to be inserted because of the necessary soil permeability, then the excavation should be 10 cm deeper

Please do not mix any compost into the planting hole, otherwise the peony would have too much organic matter available and that is not good for the plant. Just like with waterlogging, it would then be much more susceptible to fungal diseases. Peonies love well-drained, loose soil. A slightly humus-enriched, loamy soil is ideal.
In the first year they need little or no additional fertilization. You can find out how they are ideally cared for afterwards in our article on fertilizing peonies.

When planting peonies, you should differentiate between shrubs and perennials. Shrub peonies are planted 12 to 15 cm deep, with a tip of the trunk sticking out at the top. The excavation is filled up again and carefully pressed down.
The root ball of the herbaceous peony is only 3 to 5 cm deep under the ground. Again, lightly press down on the filled soil.
Please make sure to leave enough space between the individual plants. The shrub peony needs up to 130 cm in width to grow optimallyto be able to unfold − the perennial peony at least 60 cm.

Peonies prefer well-drained, loose soil

The freshly planted peony must finally be well watered. Although it forms deep roots and can later survive for a long time without regular water supply, it takes a good year before it does, in which it should be watered regularly. Even in later years, it should always be well watered during the flowering period and during long droughts.

Caring for peonies after planting: this is how it goes on

Even if the peony is very frugal, it also needs a little care over the course of the year. In the following, we will tell you how to optimally care for your plant.

peonyn overwinter

If you have one or more peonies in your garden, these plants should be protected before the onset of their first outdoor winter, although they are actually hardy. Because the first winter is always a special challenge for a young plant. It is therefore advisable to cover the fresh seedlings with leaves and brushwood. In later years, the shrub peony in particular should be protected from snapping off due to heavy snow loads by tying the branches together with a strong rope.

Hybrid peonies have lignified stem bases standing

Peonies Cut

Pruning should be done differently depending on the type of peony: The perennial peonies, like other perennials, are cut off at ground level in autumn. In order to offer the shoot buds, which are particularly close to the surface, ideal winter protection, you can also leave the dried leaves until spring to insulate the rootstock. But then you have to be very careful not to damage the shoots that may already be pushing when you cut them.

The tree peonies usually do not need pruning at all. This is only necessary if the branching is not making good progress and needs to be stimulated by a pruning. If the main shoots are damaged, you can of course use scissors.

The intersectional hybrid peonies are cut back to just above the ground, similar to perennial peonies. Only the approx. 10 cm high woody bases remain.

If you want to learn more about caring for peonies in a vase, you can read ourContinue reading the special article.

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