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What do Elstar apples taste like and what is the ideal location for the apple variety? We answer your questions about Elstar apple trees.

The Elstar apple is very popular, but a diva in cultivation

Germany is apple country: the average German eats 25 kilograms of apples a year. The apple variety 'Elstar' is one of the most popular apples and has been for many decades. If you also love the taste of the Elstar apple and maybe even want to grow it yourself, you will find everything you need to know about the taste, harvest time and growing conditions here.

Apple variety 'Elstar': Profile

Fruitmedium; golden yellow with bright red marbling
Flavouraromatic, sweet
Yieldhighly fluctuating
Harvest timefrom mid-September
Maturity for pleasurefrom the end of September
Shelf Lifegood; Can be stored until January
Growthvery strong
Climate protected; not suitable for high altitudes
Diseases and Pestssusceptible to fruit tree canker, apple scab, powdery mildew, spider mite, fire blight

Where does the apple variety 'Elstar' come from?

The apple variety 'Elstar' comes from a breeding program at the Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding (Plant Research International B.V.) at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. By crossing the varieties 'Golden Delicious' and 'Ingrid Marie' in 1955, 'Elstar', which is so popular today, was created. However, the variety was not introduced to the market until 1975.

Expert Info: Occasionally it happens that the genome of a tree mutates, usually only on a twig or part of a branch. Such mutations are sometimes further propagated and also used in fruit growing. Mutants of the 'Elstar' variety are, for example, 'Elstar Reinhardt', 'Red Elstar', 'Goedhof' or the wonderful bright red 'Bel-El'.

There are also bright red 'Elstar' mutants, for example 'Bel-El'

Which oneElstar apples have taste?

Like all apple varieties, the 'Elstar' was subjected to a sensory fruit assessment, i.e. a professional taste test. Accordingly, the apple variety 'Elstar' has a medium-firm, cream-colored to yellowish flesh that is moderately juicy but tastes sweet and strongly aromatic. The acidity is balanced, so neither too acidic nor too bland.

Plant an apple tree of the variety 'Elstar'

Do you love the fresh, sweet taste of the Elstar apple so much that you want to have your own Elstar apple tree in the garden? We explain what is important when planting.

What do you have to consider when growing the 'Elstar' variety?

When growing Elstar apples, you should keep one thing in mind: the variety is extremely difficult to grow and is actually not recommended for the home garden. The strain can be called a real diva for the following reasons:

  • 'Elstar' is a very vigorous variety, which means a lot of pruning. If not pruned regularly, the he alth of the tree and the quality of the fruit suffer.
  • 'Elstar' is susceptible to many important apple diseases: fruit tree canker, apple scab, powdery mildew, spider mites and fire blight.
  • The yield of 'Elstar' varies greatly. If the tree is not pruned, fertilized and watered correctly, it acknowledges this mercilessly: Years without a single apple are followed by years with much too much hanging and much too small apples.
Orchard growers know that Elstar apple trees need to be pruned professionally and regularly

But the 'Elstar' doesn't just have bad qualities: Due to its rather late start of flowering, it is less susceptible to frost. It can also be stored well and regenerates cuts or frost damage to the wood very well. And of course, the strain's outstanding flavor isn't a bad reason to put a little more effort into growing it.

What is the ideal location for an Elstar apple tree?

The ideal location for an Elstar apple is sheltered to prevent frost damage in winter. At the same time, however, it should not be completely windless, since windless conditions make it easy for pests and diseases. However, the most important thing for the Elstar apple tree is sufficient sunlight: a place in full sun ensures higher yields and a he althy tree.

As far as the soil is concerned, the location requirements of the 'Elstar' variety naturally depend on the rootstock on which it was grafted. So before you buy an apple tree, you shouldFind out about its documentation. The table below shows you the location requirements of various apple rootstocks.

UnderlayExamplesLocation ClaimsGrowth of the tree
Slow growthM9, M27, M26Very high.
Nutrient-rich, loamy-sandy soil with a high humus content. Waterlogging and drought are not tolerated.
Tree stays smaller and grows weaker
Medium growthM7, M4, MM106High.
Good quality, nutrient-rich soil with a high humus content. Waterlogging and drought are tolerated a little better.
Tree grows to medium size
Strong growthM11, A2, Seedling RootstockLow to medium.
Poorer soils as well as drought and wet conditions are also tolerated.
Tree is getting bigger and bigger

If you have the necessary space in your home garden, we recommend a rootstock with medium vigorous growth. Your 'Elstar' will get a little bigger on this and you will need a ladder to cut it, but the tree is much less sensitive and can handle a less than ideal location better.

Big apple trees need more space, but a little less care

How to plant an Elstar apple tree?

We have prepared a special article for you that explains everything about "planting an apple tree". But so that you don't have to search long, here are the important key data in brief:

  • It is best to plant the Elstar apple tree in autumn.
  • The planting hole should be at least 1.5 times as wide and deep as the root ball.
  • Mix two thirds of the excavation with mature compost or a high-quality potting soil and organic fertilizer such as our Plantura organic tomato fertilizer.
  • Carry out a root pruning: In the case of bare-rooted plants, only the tips are pruned, in the case of potted plants, the root ball is pulled apart in some places with your hands or a spade, so that the fine roots tear. Root cutting is not required for baled goods.
  • Pruning the apple tree if necessary.
  • Place the tree in the planting hole. The grafting point should be 15 to 20 cm above the ground. Of course, the roots must not be exposed.
  • Fill the planting hole with the soil mixture, then tread on the soil with your full body weight.
  • Modela pouring rim with the remaining excavation. Pour generously and top up any sagging soil.
  • Water the sapling regularly in the first year so that it can develop well.

Tip: An Elstar apple tree on a slow-growing rootstock only develops weak roots. He therefore needs a solid post as a support and a stable connection for the rest of his life. Both must be checked annually and renewed if necessary.

When is harvest time for Elstar apples?

If you want to store the Elstar apples for a long time, you should pick them earlier. From about mid-September the picking maturity is reached. The apples then slowly ripen during storage. If you don't want to store the fruit but want to use it very soon, don't harvest it until the end of September. Then the apples are ready to eat, so perfectly sweet and delicious. Of course, you can also pick and store some early and pick the rest off the tree later and enjoy it straight away. We have prepared for you a special article on harvesting apples that will help you with the harvest.

Tip: The 'Elstar' has a special feature: it does not shed dead or ripe fruit on its own. That's good if you don't like fallen fruit on the lawn. Unfortunately, diseased and rotten fruits remain in the tree and infect the other fruits as well. In so-called fruit mummies, fruit rot can even hibernate in this way and infect young fruit again in spring. Therefore, check the tree regularly for diseased fruit and also completely harvest rotten fruit.

How to store and process Elstar apples?

‘Elstar’ can be stored very well if cooled. If the temperatures stay below 4 °C, storage until January is no problem. The prerequisite for this is that the fruit was harvested early, i.e. not fully ripe. Unfortunately, Elstar apples are prone to rot and wilt during storage and require consistent humidity that is not too high or too low. See our special article for more details on how to store apples properly.

Only store apples that are not quite ripe and above all undamaged

Apples of the 'Elstar' variety are perfect for fresh consumption. But the sweet and sour taste is also perfect for cakes and apple strudel. Of course, you can also boil it down with applesauce, but the apple is actually too good for that.

The Elstar apple tree is too demanding for you? Then the apple variety 'Goldparmäne' is something for you: It not only convinceswith their taste, but is also more suitable for the home garden.

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