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The curry herb is versatile, but still very unknown. We show how you can multiply the herb for cultivation in your own garden.

The aroma of the curry herb is most intense before flowering.

Propagating curry herb by seeds

The curry herb is a rather unknown exotic herb. That is why it is usually available as a ready-made plant in specialist shops. However, seeds of the curry herb can also be bought. From mid-February, these can be brought forward when it is warm. The seeds of the light germinator should be sown on a window sill that is as bright as possible. The seeds must not be covered too thickly with a layer of substrate. Although this protects the swelling seed from drying out during germination, it prevents the light germinator curry herb from unrestricted and problem-free germination. Therefore: omit the covering substrate layer and take care that the seeds do not dry out. At an average temperature of 18 °C, the first seedlings appear after about 10 to 14 days. The tender seedlings of the curry herb should soon be isolated and grown indoors until mid-May. As soon as there is no longer any threat of frost after the Ice Saints, you can either find a place outside in the pot or you can plant the curry herb in the bed.

Propagating curry herb by cuttings

If you already own a curry plant, you can expand your stock with cuttings. In spring or summer, shoots can simply be cut off and rooted. It is best to use non-lignified, young shoots without flower buds. Shoots with flower buds are clearly at a disadvantage in terms of rooting, since the bud requires far too much energy to the detriment of root formation.

The shoots are placed in a suitable substrate for the propagation of cuttings, watered well and then placed in a propagation box. The transparent hood quickly creates an environment with high humidity. This is beneficial for root formation, as the cuttings cannot absorb enough water and the high humidity prevents excessive evaporation. It takes about four weeks for the curry herb cuttings to form the first roots. thenthe hood of the propagation box can be removed from time to time and the cuttings can be slowly accustomed to a normal environment without high humidity.

What can curry herb actually be used for? Check out this article for all you need to know about using curry herb.

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