Plants in the bedroom are hotly debated. Here you can find out the advantages and disadvantages of plants in the bedroom and which ones are suitable.

In no room are indoor plants as controversial as in the bedroom

Plants are not only beautiful, they also improve the indoor climate. It's no wonder that you don't want to do without your green companions in your bedroom either. But there are always rumors about greening bedrooms - in no other room in the apartment are our potted plants as controversial as here. While some swear by plants in the bedroom, others believe plants are even dangerous there. We will show you the advantages and disadvantages of plants and which species are particularly suitable for the bedroom.

Plants in the bedroom: The disadvantages

The rumor "One shouldn't put plants in the bedroom" is still stubborn and is based on the fear that plants "steal" our oxygen overnight. What sounds strange at first glance is actually based on a grain of truth: Even if plants release oxygen through photosynthesis, they also breathe it in at the same time. During the day, however, the plant emits far more oxygen than it breathes in, providing fresh air. At night, however, the plant cannot photosynthesize due to the lack of light and the plant therefore absorbs more oxygen. This is undoubtedly a disadvantage, but no reason to ban the plant from the room. Compared to humans, it quickly becomes clear that this is a negligible fraction: one square meter of leaf surface emits only 125 milliliters of carbon dioxide per hour, while a person with 15 to 30 liters per hour more than a hundred times that amount. A single potted flower is therefore more than harmless for the bedroom. Only if you turn your bedroom into a jungle could the air quality suffer at night.

You don't have to be afraid of a lack of oxygen or germs - a few indoor plants are hardly any disadvantages in the bedroom either

Another disadvantage of a houseplant can bebe fungal spores and bacteria that like to cavort in the potting soil. The fear of mold is not completely unfounded, after all, many hospitals also cite this as a reason for their ban on potted plants. However, this is more due to the increased safety and hygiene standards of the hospitals and not to any he alth hazard. He althy people do not mind the microorganisms contained in the potting soil, after all we are constantly surrounded by them in everyday life. You should only attach importance to regular care in the bedroom. If plants actually start to mold (because they are watered too often, for example), the spore load in the air can also increase drastically.

Plants in the bedroom: The advantages

Plants in the bedroom not only have disadvantages, but also a whole range of advantages. Of course, the most obvious is her beautiful looks. Plants can be real eye-catchers in a room and give it a unique coziness. And that's not just pleasing to the eye: If you feel comfortable in your bedroom, you can switch off and relax much more quickly - this ensures a good night's sleep.

Plants bring a whole host of benefits to the bedroom

At the same time, plants ensure a better indoor climate. Because even if the plants branch off some of the oxygen, they provide new oxygen during the day and thus fresh air. A whole range of air-purifying plants even absorb pollutants such as formaldehyde or cigarette smoke and can even have a positive effect on he alth. Finally, there are some plants that are characterized by a very special ability: So-called CAM plants, for example, do not produce oxygen during the day, but at night. They ensure good air even in the dark hours and are perfect for the bedroom. Plants such as lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), on the other hand, are a real insider tip against mosquitoes with their pleasant smell. We will introduce you to other plants against mosquitoes in this article.

Plants in the bedroom: The best varieties

Basically, all plants are safe to keep in your bedroom. But if you not only benefit from the pretty appearance of the plants, but also want to improve the air in your room, you should not miss the following plants for the bedroom.

1. Leaflet

Easy to care for and robust - the single leaf (Spathiphyllum) is one of the fewindoor plants to be killed and is therefore also ideal for people without a green thumb. In the bedroom, the plant is characterized by two main properties: on the one hand, the single leaf filters toxins such as formaldehyde from the air, on the other hand, it can increase the humidity in the room by up to five percent, which is particularly beneficial for dry mucous membranes.

The single sheet ensures a good indoor climate and is also very easy to care for
2. Bow Hemp

Nasturtium (Sansevieria) has long been one of the most popular indoor plants, but it is rarely found in the bedroom - but that should change. As a CAM plant, scrunchie produces oxygen at night and rids the room of carbon dioxide during the day. At the same time, the bow-tie also filters toxins from the air and is said to strengthen the immune system - a real all-rounder.

In the bedroom, sheet hemp is a real all-rounder

3. Aloe Vera

Known to most as a medicinal plant, aloe vera (Aloe vera) has also become increasingly important as a houseplant in recent years. Aloe vera should not be missing in the bedroom either, because it releases oxygen in the dark and thus provides us with fresh air.

Aloe vera not only cuts a fine figure as a medicinal plant, but is also suitable for the bedroom
4. Lavender

Lavender oil has long been known to help with sleepless nights, but you can also benefit from the plant as a plant in the bedroom: the gentle smell of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) calms and ensures a better sleep. At the same time, it is also a real insect repellent - the scent, which we find so pleasant, helps to keep unwanted insects such as moths or mosquitoes out of the bedroom.

The scent of lavender calms nerves and drives away mosquitoes

5. Golden Fruit Palm

The golden palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens), also known as the golden leaf palm, is rightly one of the most popular indoor plants and is impressive with its large, light green fronds. The golden leaf palm is a real blessing, especially for the bedroom: it not only cleans the air, but also ensures a pleasant level of humidity.

The golden fruit palm is not only decorative, but also provides good air

In order for the plants to remain decorative and he althy in the long term, they needNutrient. Especially in the pot, these are often used up quickly. An organic liquid fertilizer such as our Plantura organic indoor and green plant fertilizer can help and provides your indoor plants with all the necessary nutrients via the irrigation water.

Plants are not only good for the bedroom, they can also have positive effects at work. Here you will find the best easy-care office plants.
