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A beautiful lawn needs fertilizing - but what about turf? We will explain everything you need to know about how to properly fertilize rolled turf.

Rolled turf should also be fertilized

Even if a rolled turf looks as flawless as an artificial turf: In order to remain dense and he althy, it needs the first nutrient supply quite soon after laying. Since the time of the first fertilization depends on various factors, we would like to give you a decision-making aid here.

If a rolled turf is laid, a finished lawn surface is created within a few hours. Since some soil that was supplied with fertilizer before laying always sticks to the roots of the turf, some people will certainly wonder if, when, how and with what a turf needs to be fertilized next. We give you tips to keep your rolled turf beautiful.

Do you have to fertilize turf?

Overall, the nutrient requirements of a rolled turf do not differ from those of a seeded lawn. Since rolled turf is laid in a thickness of 1.5 to 4.5 cm, it brings almost no soil of its own and hardly any nutrients. As a result, like any other lawn, it will eventually need to be fertilized to be of high quality.

Fertilize the turf after laying

Rolled turf does not need to be fertilized immediately after it has been laid. Because it should have been laid on an optimally prepared soil and supplied with a fast-acting complete fertilizer. Fertilizing “from below” promotes the rooting of the rolled turf and is enormously important. Since roots prefer to spread to where nutrients lure, a rolled turf is rooted after three to five weeks. Thus, he is able to use the ground water and you can enter him. The time of the next fertilization depends on the season in which the turf was laid, because this can be done all year round - except in frost and snow.

Time of laying the turfFirst fertilization
springEarly Summer
Early SummerEarly Fall
Early FallAutumn, with organic autumn lawn fertilizer
Late Autumn or WinterSpringtime, with organicFertilizer

When and how often to fertilize the turf?

Rolled turf is also fertilized two to three times a year. The first fertilization of the year takes place between February and June, depending on the choice of fertilizer and the soil. Fertilizing in the middle of the year is only necessary if the first fertilization was very early and rather sparing or if the lawn is exposed to very high mechanical loads - such as football games. The last fertilization of the year should be carried out with mineral or organic-mineral slow-release fertilizers in July or August to avoid frost damage to the lawn and nutrient leaching. Organic autumn lawn fertilizers with a long-term effect can also be applied in midsummer. However, later application does not cause any damage, since the nutrients contained are only released in large quantities when the weather is sufficiently warm. You can also find more detailed information about the right time to fertilize your lawn here.

The last fertilization of the year takes place in July or August

Summary: When and how often to fertilize turf?

  • Like any lawn, a turf is fertilized two to three times a year
  • First fertilization in spring or early summer, the last in late summer or autumn
  • Organic lawn fertilizers can be used throughout the growing season without hesitation

How much and with what to fertilize the turf?

Since supplying a lawn with purely mineral fertilizers involves a number of pitfalls, we recommend using organic lawn fertilizers with a natural long-term effect. We have summarized the reasons for this for you.

Mineral Lawn FertilizerOrganic long-term lawn fertilizers
Immediate effect, danger of over-fertilization and leachingDelayed effect, requires earlier fertilization, least risk of over-fertilization or leaching
Frequent re-fertilization required, otherwise possible deficiency symptomsLong-term effect and continuous implementation, long fertilization intervals
fertilization exactly when there is a need; otherwise over-fertilization/deficiency and thus damage to lawn plantsFertilization can also be done a little earlier and "in advance" - if necessary even in a single application per year
High nutrient content promotes decomposition of humus, resulting in loss of water and nutrient storage capacity, more frequent watering and fertilizing necessaryContent of organic matter promotes humus formation, thereby maintaining/increasing soil quality and evenly supplying the lawn with water and nutrients
High s alt levels are harmful to microorganisms and corrode the skinOrganically "packaged" nutrients are safe for all animals and humans
Manufacturing is energy intensive or requires the extraction of limited fossil resources, therefore harmful to the environmentManufactured from by-products of the food industry, partly also without animal components, therefore environmentally friendly

The perfect turf fertilizer

In order to keep your lawn he althy in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way, we have developed our Plantura organic lawn fertilizer and our organic autumn lawn fertilizer. The fertilizers meet the high demands that a lawn places on fertilization and have all the advantages of an organic fertilizer mentioned above. Since they do not contain any animal ingredients, they are not only exceptional, but above all exceptionally environmentally friendly.

Sustaining Organic Fertilizers Bring Multiple Benefits

Fertilize turf correctly: Instructions for ideal application

We have prepared detailed instructions for fertilizing your rolled turf below:

  • In spring or early summer, spread about 50 g/m2 of our Plantura organic lawn fertilizer on the freshly mown lawn. As always, the exact date depends on the type of soil that influences budding
  • Heavily used lawns can be fertilized at two times with 30 g/m²2
  • Fertilization with our Plantura organic autumn lawn fertilizer is carried out with 80 g/m²2 in July, but here, too, the application of 60 g/m² is required if the lawn is used for a long time 2 possible in July and 30 g/m2 in September/October

If you would like to find out more about our Plantura organic fertilizers, you can find out more here.

You can find out more about lawn fertilization in our overview article. You can also find more information about various lawn fertilizers here.

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